Is an invisible monolithic sound absorbing system with a continuous surface. It is a false ceiling or wall coating with an insulation technology which, thanks to a continuous system of rock wool panels, guarantees high acoustic absorption. Defined as a real revolution and currently the best invisible solution for acoustic treatment. A single compact, solid, durable, invisible and versatile surface
INFO@NACPROGETTI.COM Robert Burton +44(0)7540687477

Easy to install with high range acoustic performance.
From the low octave music 125Hz
to High octave 20 Khz

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An acoustic wave, in
addition to being
absorbed by a porous
sound-absorbing material,
can be reduced through
the phenomenon of
diffusion. This involves a
surface with protrusions
or slits. According to
classical theory, these
elements must have
dimensions comparable to
the desired acoustic wave,
so for voice, they need to
be several centimeters.
However, Leonid I. Mandelstam
(1879-1944) developped the Metamaterial theory where just a few
centimeter are sufficient,
as long as the surfaces are