For twenty years Francesco has conceived sound and form in a radically new, creative and innovative way.
He has an almost tangible grasp of acoustics in buildings. This immersive approach is coupled with an
experimental modus operandi that allows him to deliver solutions that are simultaneously technological and
poetic. Moreover, his ability to think creatively, breaking away from traditional established patterns, has given him the audacity to come up with ingenious, unconventional solutions.
Francesco has applied his acoustic vision in the most diverse fields. His professional advice brings
together different strands of sound, takes into consideration all key elements, and works across disciplines
to provide a holistic solution.
His work is rich in references to historical and geographic experiences, and important personal
encounters. Throughout his career, Francesco worked with great designers such as Ron Arad and Ingo
Maurer (combining light and sound). His mentor was acoustic researcher Roy Allison (1927-2016), one of
the leading acousticians of the 20th century.
In 1996 Francesco founded NacSound, creating pioneering speakers and offering consulting services,
often collaboration with Laura Montanini, in architectural design as well as in product-based design. His
works has been widely published in, for example, International Year Book, The Times, Wallpaper, Audio Review,
Daily Telegraph, Church Building, Domus, Casabella.